Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

November 15th is America Recycles Day. Bend Garbage & Recycling offers commingle and glass recycling in the city and county, yard debris and commercial food waste recycling within the Bend city limits.

Here are some recycling tips to get you started:
  • Purchase items made from recycled materials and local products when possible.
  • Reduce paper and ink by printing in black and white and on both sides of the paper.
  • Donate household items instead of throwing them away.
  • Use reusable totes at the grocery store. Bring plastic grocery bags back to the store for reuse.
  • If possible, do not buy items that use Styrofoam in the packaging. Styrofoam does not decompose.
  • Clamshells are plastic containers used for packaging berries, lettuce and bakery items are not accepted in our local recycling program. They need to go as trash or be reused.
For more information about what can and cannot be recycled in your local market, contact Bend Garbage & Recycling at 541-382-2263 or visit bendgarbage.com

Please click the link to see our recycling guide