Newport Avenue Market and Deschutes Recycling are sponsoring the annual 'Bring Your Own Bucket' Event.
When: Saturday, April 23rd, 2016
Where: Newport Avenue Market (1121 NW Newport Avenue, Bend)
When: 9:00 a.m. - while supplies last
Customers are invited to come down to Newport Avenue Market on Saturday and bring their own 5 gallon bucket to fill with Deschutes Recycling's ReGrow compost for free (while supplies last).
ReGrow compost is a nutrient rich product made from locally recycled yard trimmings, recycled food and vegetable trimmings. ReGrow compost is a perfect supplement to the sandy Central Oregon soils.
Cubic Foot Bags of ReGrow will also be available for sale.
For more information, please contact Newport Avenue Market 541-382-3940.